Michael Moore
Michael Moore

Favorite Movement: Deadlifts

Favorite Benchmark Workout: "Fran"

Favorite Workout Song: "Catch Us If You Can" by DC5


CrossFit Level 1 Trainer

CrossFit Kids Certified Trainer

Coach of the Year (Statesboro-Bulloch County Parks & Recreation)

National Youth Sports Coaches Association (Basketball, Football, Baseball)


Michael Moore

I started CrossFit over nine years ago at the age of 63. Prior to starting, I had just had my annual physical. I weighed 208 pounds took blood pressure and cholesterol / triglyceride medicine, and was warned that my blood sugar was rising. I would soon need medicine to control it, as diabetes is familial. Although I did play basketball twice a week, working at Georgia Southern meant a largely sedentary life. My son was a member of a CrossFit in Atlanta and told me how varied CrossFit was and how all the movements could be scaled. I joined CrossFit Boro in August of 2013 and attended three days a week.

At the same time, I started watching my diet. I cut out bread, pasta, and soft drinks. I ate more meat, salads, and vegetables, plus snacked on almonds. At CrossFit classes, I could barely do the movements even when they were scaled. It was difficult to run 400 meters without stopping. Although frustrated with my abilities, I reminded myself that if I didn’t do something, I would endure a long, slow decline. I did not want an existence where I couldn’t play with my grandchildren or travel and do what I wanted.

After a year of CrossFit, my annual physical revealed my weight to be 180 (it is currently 164) and I no longer needed blood pressure or cholesterol medication. My A1 blood sugar was perfect. All my other blood tests were normal. I was stronger, faster, and better. Even more importantly, I found a community I respected. We cheered each other on and supported each other. The coaches taught me to move safely. When I left CrossFit Boro each time, I always felt a sense of accomplishment.

Seven years ago, I earned my coaching certificate and I also earned a CrossFit Kids certificate. As a teacher educator, working with different populations allowed me to combine my education background with my CrossFit background. We talked about expanding our program to reach a special older group that might want to change the direction of their lives. Workouts would be scaled individually for participants and would focus on purposeful movements for an hour each session. We wanted to be the place where members could make a difference in their lives.  I moved to North Charleston permanently on August 15, 2022.  I hope to continue my work with older athletes and reach as many people as I can to make differences in their lives.